Friday, October 8, 2010

Guilty, but Back on the Program, and Walking the Dogs

Well I haven't posted anything in a while because I had nothing good to report. And it's all my fault. I haven't been paying attention to my freeking point system and I also went the the casino again with Kay and Becky. I am telling you that you can work up a HUGE appetite sitting on the slot machines. I was constantly hungry. I gained 1.5 lbs and the pitying looks of my group leader. Hey, I was thrilled, I figured that I had put on at least 5 lbs. I came directly home from my meeting(instead of going by Crystal Burgers for my reward) and got out the leashes to walk the dogs. I have talked about my dogs in my other blog but not in this one. I have a bulldog, Elizabeth and a boxer, Demi(the wonder dog). They are spoiled rotten by Stan and me. I sort of viewed myself as a responsible dog owner because I love them to distraction, feed them the best money can buy, and keep their shots up, etc. Apparently in the last few years what I have failed to do was take them for walks. They get out multiple times a day to poo and race around the yard chasing important things like squirrels, cats, and insects. I throw a stick for them but usually they just watch me pick it up... with doggy grins in place. I just didn't take them for walks. I got the leash and took Elizabeth first. All was well till I ventured out of her comfort zone(the yard) then she started to shake. Big brave Elizabeth acted like I was taking her to the vet. She was scooting on the ground and quivering all over. It took a good 30 minutes to go 1/2 block. She finally started to walk but her face was hysterical. She actually had a doggy frown in place the whole time. She was not happy but soldiered on because I had stopped all attempts to return home. She wouldn't even consider doing "her business" anywhere on the route. When we returned from the half hour session I was sweating and so was she. I put her off leash and she ran to her yard.. rolling around, ending "legs up" in ecstasy. Then she got up and pooed all over the yard. Demi, being the wonder dog she is, was dancing with delight. Walking is her favorite new thing and she was all over the place. She pooed in all the neighbors yards(they can pay me later for the free fertilizer) she heeled, sat, and did all the smart doggy things. We got a good workout and she had a blast.
I haven't been back to the photographer for over a month. That will be corrected as I have an appointment next Wednesday.

Dessert idea for the week: Weight Watchers Cookies and Cream Ice cream Bars. They are two points each and are just delicious. They do however give you gas.... and it doesn't smell like cookies and cream.

1 comment:

  1. Praying you don't lost faith. I have tried Weight Watchers and cannot lose one pound on it due to the PCOS I have and extreme insulin resistance... not to mention insulin causes weight gain. Yeh... I was so excited to hear that from my doctor when he first put me on it. Yep... more added to what I was already battling. So yes... I know how easy it is to grow weary... especially when all the odds are against you. I pray for your success.
