Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Through out the duration this blog you may read things that either confuse or offend you. Oh well. Life is tough all over. The offending part I can do nothing about. Choosing to be offended is personal and has nothing to do with me. You can either read this or not, your choice. Now the confusion part I can help with. I frequently use nicknames, abbreviations and such when I write. I will attempt to keep you up to date at the time with any unfamiliar words or abbreviations. For now I will give you a list of frequently used words and their meanings. I have accumulated a list of descriptive names from relatives(thank you Carrie and Mark) from friends(thank you Christy)and from the ER. Here are a few:

Cankle - a cankle is essentially a fat ankle. It's when your calf flows down into your ankle. A cankle is the thing that over flows your short little socks. If you are large no one should see your fat ankles unless you have unbelievable self esteem. Very self assured over weight people and those at the gym wear Capri's with little socks and cankles are evident.

Abdomothigh - An abdomothigh is when your stomach falls to the top of your thighs. An abdomothigh cannot be pushed successfully into a Spanx without assistance from your significant other. Those of you who read my other blog are aware of my Spanx issues during the time of my daughters wedding.

Triceptopit - This is also know as a bat wing or a bye-bye arm. This is the loose skin and fat that hangs down from your triceps and hides your armpit. It becomes a problem when you are trying to shave and have to practically dislocate your arm by throwing it backwards so that you can see your armpit. This is endearing in your grandmother. I do not have a grandchild so it is not endearing to me.

Choobie - A Choobie is when your chin reaches your boobies. This is way more than a turkey neck. A choobie is when you really can't find your chin. If you have a choobie you cannot wear those cute choker necklaces because it would not be seen. Kinda like a thong on a 400 pound woman. This was, till recently my personal favorite word, thanks to my nephew Mark.

Dickie-Do - Okay now this is just slightly naughty but is now my favorite descriptive word. A dickie-do is particular to a man. This is sort of like the abdomothigh but....well... it's just a better male description. It is when a man's stomach sticks out farther than his DICKIE-DO. Thank you Christy!

Zumba Lisa, from Breaux Bridge Sure Fit, gave me a private lesson today and I finally think with practice I can do the basic Salsa steps. This Zumba is a killer. I felt like my legs were going to fall off. I got a good workout and had a blast with Lisa. Bronson showed me the equiptment in the new equiptment room that is just for women and I will go there tomorrow to do cardio and start on the exercise equiptment.

Oh and by the way I am down to 262. Not a big deal because it's mostly water. I have peed enough to sink a canoe.

1 comment:

  1. My Dearest Best Friend,
    I just saw your blog as i have been gone and then my computer was under repair till today. I am so proud of you and happy that you have decided to do this...not for Stan or your kids or "the people you say remember you" but for yourself. In all honesty, you have always been beautiful to me. You are the kindest, most loyal,most giving friend I have ever had.When I look at you , I don't and never have seen your weight. I see your smiling face, your amazing sence of humor and your honest regard for the people you care about. Again, I am glad you are doing this but not for the same reasons you are. I am glad because I don't want my friend to feel she has to look for the fat people on the beach to sit by or for her to not feel as worthy as some idiot that is a size '8' or for a million other reasons that are silly to me but i know important to you.
    I love you and you are my forever friend.Good luck ,Deb.
